It’s time to start talking about climate adaptation
Dangerous emissions aren’t falling fast enough – not even nearly. We’re out of time. Unprecedented climate impacts are coming – even in the UK. Let’s transform the conversation about climate adaptation and resilience: from a fringe concern to an issue at the heart of serious climate action.
Millions of lives depend on limiting climate impacts across the world. We must carry on doing all we can to reduce emissions…
…AND we need to start talking about climate adaptation. This means adapting ways of life and becoming more resilient to the climate impacts that are coming – from economic failures and food insecurity to infrastructure damage and loss of homes.
NOT JUST in the Global South which will be harder hit, more quickly, but also in the Global North we are not immune, and definitely not ready.

Building resilience for coming climate impacts.
Helping communities grasp climate reality.
Strengthening the case for radical emissions reductions.
Q: Does adaptation mean giving up on prevention?
Adapting doesn’t mean giving up on fighting ecological breakdown. In fact, it’s the opposite. While climate change is theoretical, something to do with an invisible gas in the future, it can be easy to ignore. But once we’re adapting for impacts in our local community, or our nation, then it’s impossible to look the other way.
SAFER is a campaign that aims to build support for resilience measures – in order to protect local communities and to transform understanding of climate breakdown and the need for a serious global response
More about SAFER:
What can you do?
Join the conversation
Campaign activity from SAFER will begin shortly. Sign up here for CMP updates.
Energise your community
Resilience starts with relationships. Get the kettle on, get the neighbours round, and start talking about how you can build connection, share resources and become stronger together.
Need some inspiration?
- Head over to Postcode Revolution in the CMP incubator, to find out how other communities are coming together around climate.
- Check out how Retrofit Balsall Heath is building community resilience, from homes to hearts.