Find your part to play

in creating the mass climate movement we need.

The Climate Majority Project (CMP) works to inspire, coordinate and accelerate serious climate action in the UK. 

The Climate Majority is made up of people from all walks of life – and serious climate action looks different for everyone taking part. Below you’ll find some pathways to action, to inspire your next move.

Coming soon...

Start a conversation

The first step towards action can be as simple as talking to others about climate breakdown. In fact, research shows this is one of the most effective things you can do.

We’re not in this alone. So find the others – the people in your community or organisation who share your concerns. What needs to change? What you hope to see? From a heart-to-heart over a cup of tea, to corporate leadership gatherings exploring mindset shifts, each conversation about climate change is an opportunity to spark action. 

Find inspiration: The Week, Larger Us, Climate Cafes, Borrowed Time, People Planet Pint

…and to join our growing community, email

Community action

Across the country, communities are taking climate action into their own hands, and building powerful networks for locally-based mitigation and adaptation. Meanwhile communities including faith and cultural groups are launching serious climate action within strong existing networks.


Find inspiration: 

Local Climate Hubs, Eco-action families, Black Environmental Network, Community Climate Action, Backyard Nature, Nature Friendly Farming Network, Faith for the climate, Green Faith, Ummah for Earth, Eco Church, Green Christian, HEART, Hubbub, Sustain, Community Supported Agriculture

Workplace action

Our places of work are the foundation of business as usual – representing massive potential for change. At work we’re in a position to organise collectively – and from energy use, supply chains, investment and transport to mobilising lobbying power, as workers we can influence our organisations to drive transition.


Find inspiration: Climate Voice,  Work for Climate,  Project Drawdown

Professional Networks

Some professions have particularly high leverage when it comes to accelerating system transition. From legal counsel influencing large firms to act on climate, to business insiders calling for better regulation and insurers flagging climate threats to existing risk models, professional networks including accountants, actuaries, financial advisors, asset managers, investors, marketeers and more have significant power to enact and lobby for change. 


Find inspiration: Cadence Roundtable,  Actuaries,  Advertisers,  Legal,  Insurance,  Asset Management


The CMP Incubator supports promising initiatives organising citizen action in communities, workplaces and professions to grow, find further funding, and build their networks. 


Currently in the Incubator:

Cadence Roundtable
Teach the Future
MP Watch
Wild Card
Community Climate Action
General Counsel Sustainability Forum

Climate Courage Campaign

Anxiety, denial, depression are reasonable responses to learning the truth about climate. In particular, young people increasingly report feeling overwhelmed, and teachers carry an unfair burden of responsibility. Our coalition includes youth groups, educators, mental health professionals, and the wider community experiencing climate concern. Together we’re calling for access to resources and support to properly address our climate anxiety crisis – starting in the classroom. 

Many skilled people are already holding spaces to help others face climate realities and find a meaningful response. Let’s help them do more of this work, more easily.

Access resources, sign our open letter, volunteer and connect with organisations in our coalition here.

Campaign: Market Makers

Business voices calling for better regulation and a fairer decarbonisation of the UK economy.

Very few international and UK businesses have viable plans for meaningful decarbonisation – despite their own interests depending on a stable climate.

Without appropriate policy and an enforced regulatory environment, net zero targets will not be met.

Join the call for leaders representing a majority stake in UK business, to:

  • Unite, raise their voices and actively lobby for Government intervention
  • Normalise the need for science-based policy and enforceable regulation to adequately decarbonise the UK economy, and serious planning for adaptation. 

In short, to demand that Government “regulate us, better!”

If you’re a business professional and would like to get involved in our work please get in touch with


Many of our campaign organisers and collaborators, as well as research, operate on a volunteer basis. If you’re interested in volunteering for the CMP directly, please fill out this form

Please understand that we ask our volunteers to work on specified tasks within an established vision. 

If you would like to find a climate volunteering opportunity beyond the offerings on this page, you can find opportunities here.

Finding our work to do

Finding our place in climate action is rarely straightforward and can be a challenging personal journey. This deep systemic issue will have no easy fix or single solution. The world needs thousands of new ideas to be tried out, and existing initiatives need the energy of new members.

Experienced mentors work in this space, helping others to find their work to do. If you’d like to connect with mentoring, or if you’re an experienced mentor and would like to support those who are finding their path, or to connect with peers, please email

Finding collaborators

The climate movement the world needs will be created by millions of people from many backgrounds, with unique needs and talents. Collaboration is its foundation.

We collaborate with fantastic organisations towards our vision of an active, majority climate movement. Find out more and get involved.

Make a donation

If you would like to contribute a financial gift to help accelerate mainstream climate action, your support is humbly appreciated.

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