Our Collaborators

‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts’

We collaborate with fantastic organisations towards our vision of an active, majority climate movement.

Small99’s vision is to build resilient & prosperous communities, cities & companies. They host the UK’s fastest-growing sustainability meet-ups, People Planet Pint and People Planet Pastry, which collectively make up a community of 21,000+ people across the world. They’re also breaking the mold of traditional sustainability training, where teams get bogged down by long presentations, boring courses, and endless data collection. With 90% of UK businesses searching for a starting point on sustainability, the Small99 Action Box provides everything needed for businesses to build their own sustainability action plan, fostering ownership and confidence within their team.

The Mindfulness Initiative

The Mindfulness Initiative was founded by Madeleine Bunting and Chris Cullen in November 2013 to support British politicians in forming the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness. Our partners include the four mindfulness training and research centres in Bangor, Exeter, Oxford and Sussex universities, as well as the Mental Health Foundation, Mindfulness Association and Breathworks, and we benefit from an advisory group comprising some of the most experienced mindfulness scientists and practitioners in the UK and around the world.

Green House Think Tank

Green House aims to lead the development of green thinking in the UK, challenging the ideas that have shaped the world we live in now, and offering positive alternatives. We do this mainly by engaging in research, publishing reports and opinion pieces and organising discussion and network events. Our vision is a world where catastrophic changes to the climate system have been avoided and society and economy enable all to thrive in harmony with nature. We remain independent of political parties and vested interests, but are happy to cooperate with anybody – individuals or organisations – sharing our beliefs and our sense of urgency.

Sport Local for Life

This campaign calls on sports teams, clubs and local to global organising bodies to declare a climate and nature emergency, to educate and empower using its platforms to communicate the severity of the situation referencing gold standard science and then focus on selling the solutions so that people are excited to get involved in making the positive changes happen. Sport LOCAL for life aims to boost sporting opportunities for all ages and abilities, helping to reconnect communities and improve peoples well-being whilst engaging in emergency mode decarbonisation and restoration of nature. Rupert Read is an Expert Advisor to them.

HEART: Hertfordshire Enabling and Adapting for Resilience Together

We are a group in Hertfordshire who believes we are facing existential threats brought about by climate change. We accept that societal collapse is possible and is indeed already happening and are thus committed to local community resilience. We inform, educate and support local leaders and the general public about the need to adapt – both from an outer and inner perspective. HEART offers free retreats, workshops and seminars, as well as talks to local communities; supporting you in building Local Community Resilience.​

Honest Work

Most people are workers. The (physical or virtual) workplace is where we spend the largest chunk of our working life. It’s where we have an informational advantage. It’s also where we have a voice advantage – you are probably a higher proportion of your company’s workforce than you are of any company’s customers, or your constituency’s registered voters. Your voice is rarely louder than when you speak up as an employee.

Eco Action Families

Eco Action Families is a community network based in Brighton, UK and aims to help people learn about the ecological and climate crisis and inspire ACTION. We understand that action comes in many forms, from personal changes in the home, to school and community campaigns, to national, political campaigning and civil disobedience. Something awakens in us as we notice that all is not well in the world. We look at our loved ones, the places we cherish and the beauty of nature and we realise they need protecting. Our website suggests things you can immediately do, and our blog shares inspiring stories of real people taking real action.

Greens CAN

The Green Climate Activist Network formed in 2020 when the government were failing to act on or even to tell the truth about the climate and nature crisis. GreensCAN called upon Greens to be the radical truth tellers and to engage in carefully-executed mass/targeted non-violent direct action. They called the Green Party to admit that it has failed in its aim to avert catastrophe from the climate and nature crisis via the ballot box. This kind of truth telling could paradoxically attract more votes for Greens.

This is Agency

This is Agency is an agency with one client. Earth. Our mission is to ‘mainstream’ the messages and narratives that will restore the relationship each of us must have with ourselves and with nature, to accelerate the change we need for humanity to survive and thrive.


Catalysers focus on accelerating the energy transition and ending the dependency on fossil fuels. We do this by providing transparency of which oil & gas company is responding to the environmental crisis appropriately so the much necessary pressure by employees, investors, governments and wider society can be placed. 

ZERO Carbon Guilford

Zero Carbon Guildford is a community-led charity helping residents to protect the Surrey countryside, reduce waste & end throwaway culture, and reduce carbon emissions. Our goal is to build co-operative engagement between residents, schools, businesses and councils, across all demographics of our community, to protect the people and places we love. In a rapidly changing planet we aim to drive mitigation and adaptation to climate change, creating a secure future for our young people and our community through strategies which create healthier, happier lives for local residents, whilst using local action to play our part in an escalating global crisis.

Project Regeneration

Project Regeneration researches and promotes regenerative solutions in response to the climate emergency.  Our purpose is to help address the climate crisis within one generation by informing and inspiring the regenerative movement and enabling change through education, leadership, research, community-building, storytelling, and advocacy. We focus on regenerative actions that can be taken right away by individuals, groups, companies, universities, and governments – the levels where we organize ourselves and make change.

Retrofit Basall Health

Retrofit Balsall Heath is a pioneering community-led neighbourhood project in Birmingham presenting an alternative to top-down public-sector led retrofit. As buildings are responsible for 49% of CO2 emissions in the UK and at least 90% of existing buildings need retrofit to meet UK zero carbon targets, we aim to empower as many people as possible to carry out sustainable changes in their homes that also help cut bills and improve our neighbourhoods. We have collaborated with the city council to retrofit 700 homes with insulation, solar panels and more sustainable heat pumps, and plan on catalyzing more renovations in what we hope becomes an urban sustainability revolution.

Switch It Green

Switch It Green exists to drive impactful change by tackling the source of fossil fuel and deforestation funding. We seek to empower thousands of people to switch to a green bank account. Banks are set to finance enough new oil & gas reserves to blow our world’s remaining carbon budgets 7x over. Banks also respond to consumer pressure and brand devaluation. Our Green Banking Platform ranks all the banks in the UK on their green credentials, supports and tracks people’s switch to a green bank.

7 Billion Presidents is a movement that aims to build a fair society with a stable climate by 2040. We do this by building, or transitioning, companies where 100% of the profits go back into society. This could be by buying land or buildings that are given to local communities to govern in a regenerative way. Part of the profit goes to restore and protect ecosystems, start a 7 Billion Presidents community in a low income country or build a new 7 Billion Presidents company. This way we change the system from where we compete to make money for shareholders to one where we collaborate to build a better life for all – from one that harms people and nature to one where we make life better for all of life.

Green Christian is a movement of Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, we do what we can to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.  Founded in 1982 we are a volunteer-led charity and have over 1000 members, mainly in the UK.  We work closely with mainstream denominations and NGOs in the UK, with a pioneering role in Christian environmental action.  Our Borrowed Time programme aims to help people navigate the emotional and moral challenges of environmental breakdown, and equip them to help others to do the same.

PeopleGetReal.org was established in June 2023. As deep critics of the existing mainstream narrative on climate action, we use audience insight and campaign methods to help shift the existing consensus which we argue stands in the way of meaningful action for the betterment of all. Our aim is to agitate for a collective response to climate breakdown and ecological destruction, capable of limiting the danger currently posed to civilisation.

We are an alliance of UK health organisations with a collective vision for a sustainable, healthy world. We increase knowledge and understanding of the links between nature loss, climate change and health; empower health professionals to advocate for better responses to the climate and nature crisis; and encourage decision makers to strengthen policies that protect public health from climate change and nature loss.

Stop Ecocide International is the driving force behind the growing global movement to make ecocide an international crime.  Our core work is activating and developing global cross-sector support for this.  We collaborate with diplomats, politicians, lawyers, corporate leaders, NGOs, indigenous and faith groups, influencers, academent experts, grassroots campaigns and individuals to this end.  Positioned at the meeting point of legal developments, political traction and public narrative, we are uniquely placed to support and amplify the rapidly growing global conversation.

Perspectiva is a community of expert generalists working on an urgent one hundred year project to improve the relationships between systems, souls and society in theory and practice. We are scholars, artists, activists, futurists and seekers who aim to develop an applied philosophy of education for individual and collective realisation in the service of averting societal collapse; and in the spirit of serious play and ambitious humility to cultivate the imaginative and emotional capacity required to usher in a world that is, at the very least, technologically wise and ecologically sound.

ClimateVoice leverages the power of corporate influence from climate-positive companies to win crucial policy battles. We educate and activate employees, engage executives, and shine the media spotlight to galvanize climate policy action.

Run by local residents for local residents, Islington Climate Centre is a vibrant community hub and solutions-oriented education centre with a focus on addressing the current climate, social, nature and health emergencies. We aim to create collaboration between existing initiatives in the area, including schools and workspaces, community groups and charities, green spaces and small businesses, in order to build a sustainable and resilient future in Islington and beyond. Our tools include a programme of lively public-facing events as well as community mapping, climate action plans and people’s assemblies. Inspired by existing climate hubs including Zero Carbon Guildford as well as groups such as Think & Do Camden. Imagine 2030 and Sustainable UCL, we are part of the Climate Emergency Centre Network. Our motto: Engage, Inform, Connect.

Teach the Future is a nationwide campaign led by students from all education levels to urgently repurpose the curriculum around climate change and sustainability. This needs to be taught across the curriculum, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed for the green jobs of the future. We have already seen enormous success, having introduced the first ever student-written bill into UK parliament for England and Wales titled ‘The Climate Education Bill’, and having influenced the Department for Education to publish their first ever Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy.

Life Itself is an open community of pragmatic utopians, committed to practical action for a radically wiser, weller world. They create coliving hubs, start businesses, do research and engage in activism to pioneer a wiser culture.

Leading through these troubled, troubling times can feel more like a burden than a
privilege. Stepping in, caring to act, engaging wholeheartedly, we can find ourselves
overwhelmed, in conflict, exhausted. We bring leaders together in community, helping to turn restless energies into leadership. Offering time and space to deeply explore all that matters, we support the inner work that is required for wise, outer-world leadership in our organisations and communities. 

Take the Jump is a citizen-powered movement based on six radical but do-able shifts. 

Together the shifts create a science-based, vibrantly-communicated framework for change, putting the power in citizens’ hands to actively work towards serious emission cuts. Encompassing behavioural and system change, the project applies inclusive communication principles based on kindness, non-judgment and empathy. It’s a great way to get practical, joyful climate action going in all kinds of communities: workplaces, neighbourhoods, faith groups, schools and more.
Our collaborators provide invaluable support, strategic and practical input, and access to a network, for the Climate Majority Incubatees.
Read more about the Incubator and the projects here.
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