SAFER: Strategic Adaptation For Emergency Resilience…

Letting go of the Holocene, letting go of illusions around climate-mitigation…


From September 1st to 30th the Climate Majority Project will be hosting a SAFER gathering at the Bergerac Practice Hub, of Life Itself, a meta-crisis-aware network co-founded by our co-director Liam. Take a train down to Bergerac, we will explore psycho-spiritual adaptation, community resilience and envisioning a new way of living thrutopia. The intent is to confront climate realities while nurturing hope and creativity, modelling a reality-based community and staying engaged with the troubling truths of our time.

More about this residency

We’re in the thick of it – The meta-crisis, with the climate crisis as its cutting edge, shaping our lives and of future generations…Awareness is rising. Yet many are hesitant to focus on adapting to climate breakdown, fearing its implied surrender. At life itself, we’re plunging deeper into the danger zone willingly, challenging taboos by emphasising adaptation over solely reducing emissions. It is time to prepare realistically, drop illusions of a sustainable future and embrace transformative adaptation.

How can we embrace collapse awareness without getting stuck in despair? How do we confront climate fear while staying open to new possibilities? Can adaptation efforts supercharge climate mitigation and help society reconcile with reality? Let’s make adaptation accessible and build a supportive community ready to face immense challenges ahead. To boldly stay with the trouble, where hardly anyone has dwelt before.

Led by Liam Kavanagh, with insights from Rupert Read (CMP co-directors) and author Stephen Markley (with the attendance of Charlotte DuCann and Paul Servigne TBC), this residency will delve into defensive, deep, and transformative adaptation. Together, we’ll develop realistic future scenarios, share preparation strategies, and learn to navigate overwhelming emotions.

Join us on this courageous journey towards adaptation awareness. Let’s create safety amidst the storm and build a community ready to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Schedule & Practicalities

Regarding food, our house Tenzo, Valerie, will guide the group through daily cooking practices as part of the deliberately developmental technology of the hub where everyone takes turns being head chef every couple of days, getting the chance to explore different roles.


Schedule (tentative and can change with the needs of the participants):


  • 7-8 am: optional meditation in Dojo (just sitting)
  • 8-9 am: optional breakfast
  • 9-10 am: collective care for cooking, cleaning, gardening
  • 10 am-1 pm: own time
  • 1-2 pm: buffet lunch and dishes
  • 2-6:30pm: own time
  • 6:30-7:30 pm: table dinner and dishes
  • 8pm: optional evening activity

Besides the daily structure, there will be a weekly sharing/regulatory circle. Participants are invited to offer their own practices to other residents during the night sessions.


Weekends don’t have any frame. During that time spontaneous cooking and eating organisation happens. This is a time that gives opportunity to discover surroundings such as Plum Village or prehistoric caves.


The monthly cost ranges between 450 to 950 euros for lodging, depending on the room, plus approx. 300 euros for food and amenities. All communal food is organic and plant-based.


Ideal candidates are those who resonate with these principles and practices, have a project to work on and are ready to explore being community.

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