Our mission
Accelerate effective, coordinated climate action by a broad-based coalition of citizens; from grassroots initiatives to high-level policy.
Our vision
Catalyse a mindset shift towards climate responsibility at all levels of society, that limits ecological harm, embraces adaptation and protects our planet for future generations.
The situation
Our political and industry leaders have failed to deliver the massive transformation needed to halt climate change. Time has run out to keep our climate within safe limits.
Our Response
Most of us now sense that we’re in deep trouble with climate. But it can often seem like we’re alone in these worries – and when we feel alone, we feel powerless. But once we realise that a majority feels the same way, then we know that we’re part of something very powerful.
Then we can get to work.
Beginning in the UK, the Climate Majority Project works to encourage citizens at all levels of society to recognise their power and take meaningful, effective climate action wherever we can make the biggest difference.
We can tackle emissions adapt to changing ecosystems hold leaders accountable

People from all walks of life are already taking action in businesses, communities and more. We work to amplify these initiatives and help them grow, multiply and connect.
Through our targeted campaigns, we’re working to drive Government response to climate realities, and advocating the resilience measures needed to cope collectively with global crises.